Fun Zipper Pouches, Paper Party Supplies, and More, Handmade and Curated in Montclair, NJ by Claire Cohen.
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News — 1 Minute Read

Make Music Winter and Unsilent Night on December 21st in Montclair

1 Minute Read Make Music Day Montclair NJ

Make Music Winter and Unsilent Night on December 21st in Montclair

Indie Arts Montclair will be continuing its tradition of organizing free live music and events on the winter solstice, December 21st, as part of Montclair Make Music Winter. Indie Arts Montclair is a Montclair based arts non-profit which was formed by local artists, musicians, and community activists to act as a collective that aims to lift up and support like-minded creatives - DIY, local, new, and emerging artists in all disciplines - and put a face on alternative and outsider arts in Montclair. Make Music Winter, first launched in New York in 2011, is a free, outdoor musical event each...

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Juggling Life

1 Minute Read Montclair NJ

Juggling Life

I've been reflecting on what a great year I've had and appreciating my good health and all the fun things I've been able to do. Being spontaneous and making connections with other people helps keep me grounded and grateful!  Back in June, when on vacation in Rochester with my dad, I passed clubs with a dude who was juggling in the park with his friends. I haven't juggled in a few years, the issues I was having with my hands and thumbs prevented it while I was in occupational therapy. But now that I'm recovered I jumped at the opportunity...

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ICYMI: Back to Back Events

1 Minute Read ICYMI

ICYMI: Back to Back Events

All the events I've had leading up to this weekend were the perfect way to prime my system for the back to back events I booked for last weekend- the Glen Ridge Arts & Eco Fair on Saturday and the Montclair Flea on Sunday. And what a weekend! The weather cooperated, though the threat of rain on Saturday afternoon made tear down a bit chaotic and had me worrying that I'd be packing up the rental car with wet gear. A downpour never materialized and the light drizzle didn't disrupt my plans. So grateful! My booth on Saturday at the...

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ICYMI: Recent Pop-Ups Downtown

1 Minute Read creative reuse ICYMI Montclair NJ

ICYMI: Recent Pop-Ups Downtown

My in-person event season has gotten off to a fantastic start! In case you missed it, I popped up at Anthropologie with my Montclair Made paper heart garlands, and introduced my Montclair Creative Reuse Project to the community at Montclair's Earth Fest! At Anthropologie I displayed paper heart garlands, delicate decorations made from repurposed papers like vintage sheet music, field guide books, and atlas pages. I brought my sewing machine and stitched up garlands at the event. Midway through my scheduled time my friend Stephanie from Styled Blu arrived unexpectedly and popped up across from me! It was great to...

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Cycling Is My Passion

1 Minute Read bike&walkmontclair bikepacking Montclair NJ

Cycling Is My Passion

"Cycling is my passion". This phrase is delivered with deadpan perfection in the insurance company commercial and just thinking about it makes me laugh. But when I want to take a vacation in my mind, the imagery of riding off into the sunset on my bike is easy to access. I am openly trying to recapture my 13-year-old self on a 10-day YMCA  Adventure Camp bike trip from Portland, ME to Acadia National Park, a trip that truly informed my identity as a non-car-owning, casual-clothes-wearing, groceries-taste-better-when-you-carry-them-home-on-your-bike bike rider. Biking is my passion! Montclair is a bike community! Bike & Walk...

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