News — Skillshares
Sewing Bees Return!
30 Second Read Boomerang Bags Montclair NJ Skillshares
I've been busy prepping for the return of Boomerang Bags Montclair Sewing Bees! This week, as part of Indie Arts Montclair Skillshares, our super fun Sewing Bees will be happening at the Cornerstone Montclair building, on the 2nd floor, located at 198 Bellevue Ave in Upper Montclair! Drop in any time and stay as long as you like between 11am and 3pm on Thursday, 10/3, and Friday, 10/4. More info is right here. Hope to see you there! Silkscreening our logo onto the pockets is part of the Boomerang Bags branding and an essential task to do ahead of our...