News — bike&walkmontclair
Cycling Is My Passion
1 Minute Read bike&walkmontclair bikepacking Montclair NJ
"Cycling is my passion". This phrase is delivered with deadpan perfection in the insurance company commercial and just thinking about it makes me laugh. But when I want to take a vacation in my mind, the imagery of riding off into the sunset on my bike is easy to access. I am openly trying to recapture my 13-year-old self on a 10-day YMCA Adventure Camp bike trip from Portland, ME to Acadia National Park, a trip that truly informed my identity as a non-car-owning, casual-clothes-wearing, groceries-taste-better-when-you-carry-them-home-on-your-bike bike rider. Biking is my passion! Montclair is a bike community! Bike & Walk...
Bike&Walk Montclair
30 Second Read bike&walkmontclair Montclair NJ
The recent bike swap at Hillside School was a success for Bike&Walk Montclair and I was happy to have contributed by donating a bike this year. My daughter and I were included in the promotional video made by Jerry Fried during the event. Their next event, the Magical History Bike tour, is happening on June 18!