Back to school is an exciting time for students and teachers. My products for autumn are popular gifts for students of all ages and teachers appreciate them more than an old fashioned apple!
Lunch bags are a new school year staple and I've perfected my design, based on a paper lunch bag. Grosgrain ribbon handles make them easy to carry while velcro keeps everything inside. Kids love the paper airplane design pencil case. Is the English teacher or writing major on Team Oxford Comma? Inspired by a custom request, this remains a popular product.
Want everyone to know this is your pencil case? Personalize it! I've made these "property of" zip bags for teachers and kids and they're always a hit.
My paper heart garlands are just the right size decoration for tiny dorm rooms. In a variety of themes, you're sure to find one to slip into a care package. All-nighters are fueled with cash or a gift card tucked inside a "taco money" zipper pouch.
Shoot me a message if you have an idea for a custom back to school product that you know will brighten someone's day!